seo malaysia

SeaBreeze Hens provides happy, healthy, and hand raised hens, pullets, and chicks on our small farm in San Leon, Texas (between Houston and Galveston).  I raise purebred hens and a few roosters that I hatch here and/or arrive at a day old.   My chickens and laying hens enjoy free range browsing as well as high protein feed, whole grains scattered for "scratching", and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Check out our Schedule for this Week .

You are welcome to just stop by during our open hours,  but if you give me a call first, you can be sure I will here  to help you when you arrive.  If you are unable to come at our available times, give me a call and I may be able to arrange to help you at another time.

Click here for current chicken availability and prices.

Click here for our upcomimg baby chick availability

SeaBreeze Hens usually has the following excellent laying breeds of chickens in stock in various age classes: 

Rhode Island Reds

Plymouth Barred Rocks

Ameraucana Easter Eggers

Buff Orpingtons 

Black Australorps

Blue Australorps

Cinnamon Queens

Black Sexlinks

White Leghorns

Silver Laced Wyandottes

Gold Laced Wyandottes

Blue Wyandottes

Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

Speckled Sussex

Light Brahmas

Buff Brahmas

Dark Brahmas

Naked Necks

Cuckoo Marans



Olive Eggers

Whiting True Blue 

Standard Cochins (various colors)

Polish (Silverlaced - Gold Laced - White Crested Black)



We also regularly have pullet chicks and teenagers in  French Black Copper Marans, French Wheaton Marans, Crested Cream Legbars, Silver Leghorns, Salmon Favorelles, Black Jersey Giants, Spangled Russian Orloff, Buckeyes, Delaware, Austrawhite,  and othermore rare breed pullets available.



We occasionally have pullet chicks and teenagers in Exchequer Leghorns, Silver Gray Dorkings, Cream Brabanter, Gold Brabanter, and Rhode Island White.


We regularly have straight run bantam chicks and teenagers in the following breeds: Silver Sebright, Gold Sebright, Millie Fluer D'uccle, Porcelain D'uccle, Black Mottled D'uccle, Silkies, and Frizzle and Mottled Cochins



We  sell straight run chicks (and occasionally older pullets and roosters) in our Specialty Breeds which include :

English Chocolate Orpington

English Blue, Black, and Splash Orpington

English Lavendar Orpington 

Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

Ayam Cemani


White Speckled Easter Eggers

Blue and White Easter Eggers

Chocolate Easter Eggers

Black Skinned Naked Necks 

Please contact us to be placed  on the waiting list for our specialty breed chicks.  We will notify you when they are available


Thanks for your interest in our hens!

For more information, please call Melinda at 281-900-0183.



Premiere Texas Laying Chicken Source

SeaBreeze Hens is your premiere provider of  happy, healthy, and hand raised laying hens, pullets, and chicks on our small poultry farm in San Leon, Texas (between Houston and Galveston).  I raise purebred hens and a few roosters that I hatch here and/or arrive at a day old.   My chickens and laying hens enjoy free range browsing as well as high protein feed, whole grains scattered for "scratching", and fresh fruits and vegetables.


The chicken yard is open to customers.  Feel free to browse and shop while you wait. 
During open hours, please sign in on the sheet on the table under the house so that I may help customers in the order of arrival.
You can also book an appointment for an exclusive chicken shopping experience or Backyard Chickens 101 learning adventure.  Consider this option if you have lots of questions, would like uninterrupted individual service, or just don't want to wait during  open hours.  
You are also welcome to reserve and preorder your chicks and pullets on our store or via text for Express Curbside Pick up, shipping, or Houston Area Delivery.

Preorder and schedule Express Pickup 
or call or text Melinda at 281-900-0183



SeaBreeze Hens usually has the following excellent laying breeds of chickens in stock in various age classes:
(Click here to see our current inventory)
Rhode Island Reds
Plymouth Barred Rocks
Ameracauna/ Easter Eggers
Buff Orpingtons 
Black Australorps
Blue Australorps
Cinnamon Queens
Black Stars
White Leghorns
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Gold Laced Wyandottes
Blue Wyandottes
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
Speckled Sussex
Sapphire Splash
Light Brahmas
Buff Brahmas
Dark Brahmas
Black Jersey Giants
Blue Jersey Giants
Naked Necks
Cuckoo Marans
Black Copper Marans
Blue Copper Marans
Sicilian Buttercups
Cream Legbars
Olive Eggers (3 varieties)
Prairie BlueBell Eggers
Starlight Green Eggers 
Blue Laced Barnevelders
French Black Copper Marans 
Standard Cochins (8 colors)
Polish (Silverlaced - Gold Laced - White Crested Black)
Silver Spangled Spitzhaubens

We also regularly have pullet chicks and teenagers in   Silver Leghorns, Salmon Favorelles,  Delaware, Russian Orloff,  and other more rare breed pullets available.

We regularly have straight run bantam chicks and teenagers in the following breeds: Silver Sebright, Gold Sebright, Millie Fluer D'uccle, Porcelain D'uccle, Black Mottled D'uccle, Silkies, and Frizzle and Mottled Cochins

Seasonally, We  sell straight run chicks (and occasionally older pullets and roosters) in our own Specialty Breeds which include :

English Chocolate Orpington
English Lavendar Orpington 
Blue Laced Red Wyandottes (Foley Line)
German Beilefelders
Frizzle and Straight Tolbunt Polish
Cream Legbars
Ayam Cemani
Malaysian Seramas

Please contact us to be placed  on the waiting list for our specialty breed chicks.  We will notify you when they are available

Thanks for your interest in our hens!